¿Lleva acento esta palabra?

¿Lleva acento charoléis?

cha - ro - léis

La palabra charoléis lleva tilde en la 3ª sílaba "léis"

La palabra charoléis, con vocal tónica en la "e", LLeva acento.

Las palabras agudas acabadas en 'n', 's' o vocal llevan tilde.

Ejemplo de uso de la palabra charoléis

[...] page 80 - charoléis of a most precious sword, ornamented with diamonds, that had belonged to the king of england. they had taken this sword, with other rich  [...]

[...] page 177 - charoléis of a most precious sword, ornamented with diamonds, that had belonged to the king of england. they had taken this sword,  [...]

[...] pàgina 181 - charoléis of a most precious sword, ornamented with diamonds, that had belonged to the king of england. they had taken this sword,  [...]

[...] page 181 - charoléis of a most precious sword, ornamented with diamonds, that had belonged to the king of england. they had taken this sword,  [...]

¿Lleva tilde charoléis?

cha - ro - léis

La palabra charoléis lleva acento en la 3ª sílaba "léis"

Ultimas palabras buscadas para comprobar su acentuación